How to receive commercials for John Tesh Weekday, Weekend Best Of (5 hr) & ROS Affiliates:
Commercial Audio:
Compass Media will send your commercial audio directly to your station via Mr. Master AIM Basic or AIM Premium.
How this method works:
AIM Basic is software that can been installed on a PC in your Production Department. Each week your spots are digitally downloaded into a designated drop folder on your computer. You will receive a weekly email alert letting you know that your spots have been distributed to you. This is a service provided to your station by Compass.
AIM Premium is a service your station pays for that goes one step further and inserts spots into your automation. This is optional. You do not need the Premium version for spot delivery.
Affiliates - If you are missing a spot please contact either Maria or Jim at Mr. Master at 818-879-8349 or email: support@mrmasteronline.com
Commercial Logs:
Weekly logs, affidavits and copy split information are available on the Compass Media website: http://affiliate1.counterpoint.net/AffWeb_CompassMedia/LoginPage.asp
You will be able to schedule the correct audio sent to you from AIM Basic. With this, only the spots tailored to air on your station will be delivered to you, thus eliminating the need to download spots on a weekly basis or sift through spots not on your log.
If you have any traffic questions please email traffic@compassmedianetworks.com
If you have any affidavit questions please contact Jeff Koppes jkoppes@compassmedianetworks.com or contact hi, by phone at (310) 242-8752